Saturday, October 9, 2010

Medic Battles To Save The Life Of A Captured Taliban On Board A Black Hawk Helicopter

(Click Image to Expand)
The Medevac team are never far from their helicopter - they have to sleep within 50 yards of it. Equipment, body armour and helmets are always left on board

Get Us Outta Here! Explained, How Medic Battles To Save The Life Of A Captured Taliban On Board A Black Hawk Helicopter -- Daily Mail

Shot through his side, the enemy Afghan lies in agony on the floor of the helicopter, his life in the hands of the very soldiers he has sworn to kill.

Whether he is in a state to comprehend the irony of his situation is not clear, but the strained expression on Sgt Tyrone Jordan’s face shows it doesn’t matter who the patient is as he tries to put a drip into the Afghan’s arm.

He shouts over the din of the engines to the crew to turn on the medical ­monitor equipment behind him.

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My Comment: A riveting story on what it takes to be on a medevac helicopter.

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