Saturday, October 9, 2010

NATO Tankers Attacked And Torched Again In Pakistan

NATO Tankers Torched in New Attack -- New York Times

QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) — Gunmen in southwestern Pakistan set fire early Saturday morning to nearly 30 tankers carrying fuel for NATO troops in Afghanistan, a local official said, two days after the United States apologized to Pakistan for a cross-border air raid that killed three soldiers of Pakistan’s Frontier Corps.

Suspected Islamist militants have stepped up attacks on convoys carrying supplies for NATO forces since the air strike on Sept. 30 in northwestern Pakistan, which was described by the American ambassador to Pakistan as a terrible accident.

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More News On The Continuing Closure Of NATO's Supply Line Through Pakistan

Nato tankers again hit in Pakistan -- Al Jazeera
Militants step up NATO tanker blitz -- ABC News (Australia)
29 NATO oil tankers torched in SW Pakistan -- Xinhuanet
Nato tankers torched in new attack in Pakistan -- BBC
Gunmen in Pakistan attack NATO fuel tankers -- Reuters
How Secure Is NATO's Supply Line In Pakistan? -- Radio Free Europe
Afghan-Pakistan Border Blocks NATO, Not Taliban -- NPR
Despite U.S. Apologies, Pakistan Blocks Supply Route -- NPR
The real question about Pakistan's border closure -- Foreign Policy

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