Thursday, October 7, 2010

Two Pictures That Give A Human Face To Our Wounded Vets

A FELLOW SOLDIER - Former U.S. Army 1st Lt. Melissa Stockwell speaks to her fellow injured troops during one of the annual Paralympic Military Sports camps at Balboa Naval Medical Center in San Diego, Oct. 5, 2010. Stockwell has been an advocate for military sports camps since she was injured more than six years ago while on active duty in the Army. The camps introduce veterans and military personnel with physical injuries to sport opportunities. U.S. Navy photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Travis K. Mendoza

Diego, Oct. 5, 2010. More than 60 injured troops from U.S., British, and Israeli armed forces participated in the four-day event to introduce paralympic sports to troops and veterans with physical injuries. Stoneormer is a 2004 and 2008 Team U.S.A. paralympic gold medalist. U.S. Navy photo by Petty Offier 2nd Class James R. Evans

My Comment: To all of my readers .... I am in the middle of a huge project (which will keep me super busy for the next 6 weeks) .... and this is on top of all the other work that I do each day. As a result, for the past week it has been extremely difficult to keep up with everything (including this blog) .... and to make do I sacrifice on sleep, what little entertainment that I do, and socializing with my friends. I am very tired .... and I am being polite about it.

But when I see what our wounded veterans must go through .... as per the two pictures above .... it puts everything in perspective. Do not complain and bitch about life .... there are many others who are experiencing hardships in life that we can only imagine.

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