Saturday, October 2, 2010

The U.S. Military Is Looking For A Few Hundred Good Dogs

Army Sgts. Lawrence Gilbert and Jon Lockhart, explosive-detection dog handlers at the base kennel at Ft. Bragg, N.C., work together to perform patrol training with "Johnny." The training is designed to encourage aggressive behavior in the dogs. Photo by Pfc. Kelly Hunt.

Dogs’ Sensory Skills Valued In War -- Navy Times

WASHINGTON — A dog’s nose can be a troop’s best friend.

Makeshift bombs account for two-thirds of all troops wounded in Afghanistan, and improvised explosive devices are the No. 1 killer. High-tech devices to find them and prevent them from exploding are proven lifesavers.

So, too, is the cold, wet nose of a Labrador retriever.

“We have really come to understand and appreciate homemade-explosive smelling dogs,” said Ashton Carter, undersecretary of Defense for acquisition. “As the person who buys aircraft and submarines and tanks, I am now learning how to acquire dogs.”
Read more ....

Update #1: Marines plan to deploy more bomb dogs -- UPI
Update #2: Marines want more bomb-sniffing dogs in Afghanistan -- Chicago Sun Times

My Comment: I guess in Afghanistan, a dog can be a soldier's best friend.

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