Saturday, October 2, 2010

What Is The Relationship Between President Obama And General Petraeus

President Obama and Gen. David Petraeus appeared together at a White House press conference June 23 when it was announced that Petraeus would be taking over command of US forces in Afghanistan. Larry Downing/Reuters

Obama And Petraeus: A Wary Relationship -- Washington Post

Everyone believes the most important relationship in Washington next year will be between President Obama and House Republican Leader John Boehner. A case can be made that equally important will be the relationship between the president and his commander in Afghanistan, Army Gen. David H. Petraeus.

Bob Woodward's powerful new book, "Obama's Wars," underscores the delicacy of the relationship between Obama and Petraeus by highlighting the tensions that have long existed between the two ambitious and competitive men.

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My Comment: President Obama comes from a political history and background that is deeply suspicious of the military complex, and more importantly, the policy that has involved America in multiple wars since 9/11. General Petraeus on the other hand has a long history in knowing how to interact and communicate with politicians, and to forward the military's viewpoints when it came to important policy decisions.

Afghanistan will be the "breaking of the camel's back" on this relationship. General Petraeus .... and everyone else in the military .... knows that any preemptive move out of Afghanistan when the security situation on the ground does not warrant it will result in disaster. The White House has a different point of view .... with Presidential elections are only 2 years away, any sizeable US military presence in Afghanistan will only undermine the US President's support among his anti-war base in what is expected to be a difficult Presidential run for him.

Damn if you do .... damn if you don't .... and for President Obama he will push for a withdrawal of US forces by the end of next year. For General Petraeus .... he will be positioned to continue a war policy that he knows cannot succeed .... and what he will do then will be anyone's guess.


Anonymous said...

Petraeus has political ambitions early as 2012...and 9/11 was an inside Job wall to wall...just a reminder for you.....

Greg said...

Anon: I am constantly amused by your comments. There's so much wrong with your mindset it's difficult to know where to start. So all I'll say is this: You really, honestly believe that the government is competent and/or capable enough to pull off 9/11 as an "inside job"?!?. The tin hat you wear must be cutting off the oxygen supply to your brain.

Anonymous said...

Greg: you obviously have absolutely no valid argumentation to make...since you resort to silly, childish tin hat stupidity.
I would like to see you make that same poor argument to the thousands of highly decorated officers of the US armed forces and others, to the thousands of Architects and engineers who detailed the obvious destruction of the Twin Towers and WTC7 buildings, and all other intelligence professionals who have questioned the 9/11 for years...

Anonymous said...

Like NORAD being "confused" on 9/11, come on.... If the US defense apparatus wanted to stop this it would have done so long ago... i.e, "The orders still stand" (Tricky Dick)....

War News Updates Editor said...

Thank you Greg for your comment.

I know that there are many out there who believe that 9/11 was a Washington/CIA/Pentagon conspiracy. I tolerate it for my amusement .... even though they believe that flooding the comments section of this blog will make a difference. It does not.

Their behavior reminds me of my 4 year old niece when she wants something .... she constantly badgers my brother .... but he never gives in. Same in this blog .... repeating something like 9/11 was a conspiracy gets tedious and boring after awhile .... but like my niece .... even I have to amuse her.

Anonymous said...

WNU, Talking about your little niece and your family does not change the facts one iota...why don't you find something meaningful to say to the tens of thousands of professionals and military and intelligence officers who question daily the validity of the "official Line" on 9/11 since inside Job Par Excellence....

Al said...

Anon - question for you:

The recent story regarding UFO's helping to dismantle U.S. and British nuke capabilities - is this connected to the 9/11 inside job?

Anonymous said...

You have to ask the military officers making those claims about the subject matter.
As for the deliberate, obvious, glaring inside Job of 9/ can ask the terrific officer from the US armed forces Anthony SHAFFER...he will have a few words to say about that...which the complicit Pentagon does not seem to like.

Anonymous said...

Hey AL, This, I take it, is your essay for the application to the "rambling gibberish" club...

Anonymous said...

A majority of people in the U.S. and around the world, as well as most Intelligence agencies... believe the American government staged the 9/11 attacks in 2001.