Monday, November 1, 2010

Is America's Covert War Against Islamic Extremists About To Increase?

Yemen Covert Role Pushed -- Wall Street Journal

Foiled Bomb Plot Heightens Talk of Putting Elite U.S. Squads in CIA Hands.

WASHINGTON—The foiled mail bombing plot by suspected al Qaeda militants in Yemen has added urgency to an Obama administration review of expanded military options that include putting elite U.S. hunter-killer teams that operate secretly in the country under Central Intelligence Agency authority.

Officials said support was growing both within the military and the administration for shifting more operational control to the CIA—a move that would allow the U.S. to strike suspected terrorist targets unilaterally with greater stealth and speed.

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My Comment:
After last weeks discovery of a massive terror plot against cargo aviation, I suspect that the go-ahead has already been given to expand America's covert war against these terror groups.

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