Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Will Robot Soldiers Make Better Decisions On A Battle Field?

Swarms of Robot Soldiers Could Make Better Decisions Than Human Leaders on Data-Strewn Battlefields -- Popular Science

Modern warfare relies increasingly on robotics for intelligence gathering and increasingly for strike capabilities, but the decision-making capacity still rests solely in the hands of human commanders. But British defense company BAE systems is testing a way to turn over battlefield decisions over to robot troops as well.

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My Comment: The programming for such hypothetical war robots will still be based on human judgment and guidelines. Still .... with the emotional component left out .... such soldiers will probably make better decision than human leaders, especially since they will be able to digest information and data much quicker than their human counterparts.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

a robot certainly has potential: it has literally nerves of steel; it has eyes on the back of its head; it can track a multitude of targets at the same time, both around it and above it, inlcuding exact range, movement and status; and it can constantly and instantly share all this information with its robo-brothers