Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Afghanistan's Taliban Leader Has Suffered A Heart Attack

A rare photograph of Mullah Omar in hiding in 2001 Photo: REUTERS

Taliban Leader Mullah Omar 'Has Had A Heart Attack' -- The Telegraph

Mullah Omar, the one-eyed leader of the Taliban has been operated on in Pakistan in order to save his life after a heart attack, according to reports.

Omar and his associates are said to base themselves in Quetta across the Pakistan border from Afghanistan, where they allegedly have the protection of the Pakistani military.

The report suggests that the Pakistanis are keen to keep him alive to preserve their influence over the Taliban, despite official denials.

Read more ....

Update: Report: Pakistani spy agency rushed Mullah Omar to hospital -- Washington Post

My Comment: The leader of Afghanistan's Taliban is taken by Pakistani intelligence officials .... and given life saving treatment in a hospital.

Hmmm .... it seems obvious on who the Pakistani Government/intelligence services support .... and it is not us.

1 comment:

Mark said...

awwwhhh poor guy... :))))