Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Death Marches: The Final Phase of Nazi Genocide

Photo: The horrifying story is detailed in 'The Death Marches: The Final Phase of Nazi Genocide,' by Daniel Blatman

Revealed: How Even German Civilians Took Part In Killing Concentration Camp Survivors -- The Daily Mail

A new book about the closing days of WW2 chronicles how German civilians murdered many concentration camp survivors as they moved through their towns and villages on infamous 'death marches' back into the shrinking Reich.

The violence shows how even with their nation in ruins, the Allies advancing on all fronts and the war hopeless, ordinary people were so indoctrinated with Nazi hate they were prepared to kill defenceless people in cold blood.

'The Death Marches: The Final Phase of Nazi Genocide,' by Daniel Blatman, is the first book to research what drove these civilians to acts of savage murder.

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My Comment: My father fought with the Soviet Army from the start of the Second World War to the end in Germany. He had many war stories, but the one that I always stuck with me is his remarks on how astounding it was that after fighting Nazis for 4+ years .... when they finally conquered Germany that were not able to find one Nazi.

Of course .... he knew that almost all of Germany was deeply sympathetic to the Nazis, and Daniel Blatman's book gives a little insight on how deep this support was.

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