Monday, January 17, 2011

Do The Iranians Care?

Russian nuclear scientists have raised serious concerns about the extensive damage caused to Bushehr's computer systems by the mysterious Stuxnet virus Photo: REX

Russia Warns Of ‘Iranian Chernobyl' -- The Telegraph

Russian nuclear officials have warned of another Chernobyl-style nuclear disaster at Iran's controversial Bushehr reactor because of the damage caused by the Stuxnet virus, according to the latest Western intelligence reports.

Russian nuclear scientists are providing technical assistance to Iran's attempts activate the country's first nuclear power plant at the Gulf port.

But they have raised serious concerns about the extensive damage caused to the plant's computer systems by the mysterious Stuxnet virus, which was discovered last year and is widely believed to have been the result of a sophisticated joint US-Israeli cyber attack. According to Western intelligence reports, Russian scientists warned the Kremlin that they could be facing "another Chernobyl" if they were forced to comply with Iran's tight deadline to activate the complex this summer.

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My Comment: The key paragraph in this report is the following ....

The Russian scientists' report to the Kremlin, a copy of which has been seen by The Daily Telegraph, concludes that, despite "performing simple, basic tests" on the Bushehr reactor, the Russian team "cannot guarantee safe activation of the reactor".

This is extraordinary news and clearly indicative on how concerned Russian nuclear scientists are on Iran`s nuclear program. They should be .... a good chunk of the Ukraine is still off limits because of Chernobyl, a warning to all those who underestimate how dangerous nuclear technology can be at times.

1 comment:

Mark said...

ah, in case it happens, it will be blamed on the U.S. anyways