Monday, January 10, 2011

An Invisble Tank?

Unlike conventional forms of camouflage, the images on the hull would change in concert with the changing environment always insuring that the vehicle remains disguised .

Invisible Tanks Could Be On Battlefield Within Five Years -- The Telegraph

British military scientists plan to develop an army of "invisible" tanks ready for use on the battlefield within five years.

Armoured vehicles will use a new technology known as "e-camouflage" which deploys a form "electronic ink" to render a vehicle "invisible".

Highly sophisticated electronic sensors attached to the tank's hull will project images of the surrounding environment back onto the outside of the vehicle enabling it to merge into the landscape and evade attack.

The electronic camouflage will enable the vehicle to blend into the surrounding countryside in much the same way that a squid uses ink to help as a disguise.

Read more

My Comment: What can I say, but a look into Britain's military future (maybe).


Unknown said...

its true I saw this tank on a youtube video, the one I saw it has a screen glued to the tank on both sides and a camera on both sides, left camera will show the image on the right and the right camera shows the images on the left. they are still working on it but its a good and BAD idea, because you and the enemy will be invisible!

Mark said...

post youtube link, please =)

Unknown said...

i cant find the video but i found the article.

War News Updates Editor said...

Thanks David