Monday, January 17, 2011

Israel's War Against Iran's Nuclear Program

There have been several mysterious events that have delayed the Iranian nuclear program. Scientists have disappeared, an unexplained fire broke out in a laboratory and an airplane belonging to the nuclear program crashed. In late 2010, a computer worm infected central control systems for the centrifuges at Iran's uranium enrichment facility in Natanz. This image is from a separate facility at Isfahan. Reuters

Israel's Shadowy War On Iran: Mossad Zeros In On Tehran's Nuclear Program -- Spiegel Online

An unexplained fire, disappearing scientists and attacks on prominent Iranian nuclear experts: The Israeli secret service Mossad seems to be waging a shadowy war on Tehran's nuclear program. Will it be enough to stop Iran's alleged drive to develop atomic weapons?

The young man in the spotlight appeared earnest and friendly, wearing a blue sweater and a freshly ironed shirt, his hair carefully combed. He seemed to want to project an air of credibility.

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More News On Israel's War Against Iran's Nuclear Program

Dagan backtracks: Iran may have nukes by 2015 -- Ynet News
Former Mossad chief: Nuclear Iran must not be neglected like North Korea -- Haaretz
Dagan backpedals: Iran may have nukes before 2015 -- Jerusalem Post

How Israel’s covert uranium enrichment programme sabotaged Iran - January 17, 2011 -- Nature
Israel and US fingered for Stuxnet attack on Iran -- Register
Israel has already attacked Iran -- Haaretz
The Worm in Iran's Nuke Program: Made in Israel? -- Time Magazine
The New York Times Fails To Deliver Stuxnet’s Creators -- Forbes

Iran's nuclear negotiator says U.S. involved in cyberattack -- MSNBC
Tehran to file complaint against Israel over assassination of scientist -- Tehran Times
Iran says it to sue Israel for scientist's murder -- AFP

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