Thursday, January 27, 2011

More Details On The Release Of The Lockerbie Bomber Are Now Being Published

An investigation by Vanity Fair claims the Lockerbie bomber was going to start chemotherapy in a Scottish prison when he was released Photo: Glasgow Syndication

The Lockerbie Deal -- Vanity Fair

In 2009 the convicted Lockerbie bomber was sent home to Libya from a Scottish prison on grounds of “compassionate release”—he had only three months to live, authorities said. A year and a half later the man is still alive—and a Vanity Fair investigation reveals new details about the business interests and private dealings that lay behind the prisoner’s release. At the heart of the matter: the cozy and “profitable relationships” between the Blair government and Qaddafi’s Libya.

Read more ....

More News On The Release Of The Lockerbie Bomber

Lockerbie bomber: drugs 'could have given Megrahi 19 more months' -- The Telegraph
‘Drugs would have kept bomber alive in Scottish prison’ --
New claim on Megrahi 'balderdash' says First Minister -- Scotsman
Bomber's freedom 'trickery' -- The Sun
Lockerbie bomber petition kept open -- Press Association
Lockerbie bomber inquiry rejected -- Scotsman
10,000 letters over Lockerbie move -- Press Association

My Comment:
Everyday that convicted Lockerbie bomber Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi is alive .... it is another black day for Britain/Scotland.

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