Sunday, January 30, 2011

Obama Will Go Down In History As The President Who Lost Egypt. .... And Much Of The Middle East To Islamic Fundamentalism

Egyptian President Mubarak And President Obama. Photo from Bikyamasr

Obama Will Go Down In History As The President Who Lost Egypt -- Haaretz

The street revolts in Tunisia and Egypt show that the United States can do very little to save its friends from the wrath of their citizens.

Jimmy Carter will go down in American history as "the president who lost Iran," which during his term went from being a major strategic ally of the United States to being the revolutionary Islamic Republic. Barack Obama will be remembered as the president who "lost" Turkey, Lebanon and Egypt, and during whose tenure America's alliances in the Middle East crumbled.

The superficial circumstances are similar. In both cases, a United States in financial crisis and after failed wars loses global influence under a leftist president whose good intentions are interpreted abroad as expressions of weakness. The results are reflected in the fall of regimes that were dependent on their relationship with Washington for survival, or in a change in their orientation, as with Ankara.

Read more ....

My Comment: Such a commentary will never be published in an American main stream paper or voiced on the major network news .... and here lies the problem. For the past two years critics of President Obama's foreign policy have been ignored and/or ridiculed as extremists on the political right who do not understand the nuances of the White House and their sophisticated approach to the world. But after two years .... we now see the predictable wreckage of what such a policy has wrought. This crisis in the Middle East is not only a massive intelligence failure .... but it is also a massive foreign policy failure from Hilary Clinton straight to President Obama himself.

But if you live in the U.S., good luck in finding such criticism. Watching the evening news tonight .... as predictable as snow in winter .... none of the major networks bothered to look at America's role in this growing disaster or how President Obama's change in U.S. foreign policy on engaging with the Middle East two years ago is responsible for this mess. I understand why so many in the media cannot take that position .... to do so would admit that maybe he and his team have been wrong all along .... and the media who supported him so lavishly 2 years ago were also wrong. Regardless .... this President and future President will now have to confront a Middle East that will be openly hostile to the U.S. and their strategic interests in the region .... and I will predict it will be a job that no President will want to handle.


AHo said...

Oh man. You obviously don't live here. No criticism of our President? Everyone criticizes the President on all his decisions. Doesn't matter the network, he has made right and left mad. To say it was HIS failure. Give me a break. This is just another partisan piece blaming one man for the world's problems. Our nation can do nothing for these people and shouldn't.

War News Updates Editor said...

Thank you Aho for your comment.

Of course everyone criticizes the President .... I was referring to the main stream media and the fact that they have been very quiet on this issue.

This will probably change with time when more analysis is done on what has been U.S. policy in the region, and how did it help to bring us to where we are today.

As to whether or not we should get involved .... I have always been very skeptical on intervening in the affairs of other nations .... and in this case I am super duper skeptical. Besides .... realistically .... it is out of our hands now.

AHo said...

Agreed. They have been quiet. Most likely because they are not intelligent on the country and its past, present and future.

Also, a good read if you haven't seen it.

War News Updates Editor said...

Thanks Aho for the link, but Michael Yon always emails me his stories .... and I have read this one already. I will be posting it tomorrow at 10:00 AM on my "Unrest In Egypt News Updates".