Tuesday, January 18, 2011

So Much For The Israeli - Palestinian Peace Process

Israel is set to approve another 1,400 housing units in East al-Quds, which would expand Gilo settlement's borders toward the occupied West Bank. Press TV

New Jerusalem Settlement Hits Peace Process -- The Independent

Israel is moving ahead with a project to build 1,400 new homes in predominantly Arab East Jerusalem, a development that critics claim will deliver a death knell to the already faltering peace process.

The controversial plan drew furious condemnation from the Palestinian Authority and threatened to dash any prospect of a revival of the US-sponsored peace talks, which collapsed last year over the issue of Jewish settlements.

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More News On Israel Proceeding With Building New Settlements

More controversial construction on track for Jerusalem, official says
-- CNN
Israel set to build more homes on annexed land -- Reuters
Israel eyes huge east Jerusalem settlement project -- AFP
Palestinians to submit UN draft condemning Israeli settlements this week -- Haaretz
Palestinian resolution on Israel to be put to UN council -- AFP
US trying to stop UN resolution against West Bank settlements -- The Telegraph
Washington hints at Mideast veto -- Financial Times

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