Wednesday, January 12, 2011

U.S. Has A Lot Of Guns, But it Is Not Alone

Guns being destroyed in Kenya. Photo from The Free Republic

Arizona Shooting: US Has Lots Of Guns, But It's Not Alone -- Christian Science Monitor

The shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D) of Arizona has brought renewed attention to the US 'gun culture' and gun violence – and the prevalence of guns in the country. In fact, the US has the largest number of civilian-owned guns in the world, both in raw number and relative to its total population, according to a 2007 report by Small Arms Survey, a Geneva-based project that studies small arms and armed violence. But some countries aren't too far behind the US. Below are some of the countries with the largest civilian gun ownership rates in the world.

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My Comment
: I know about the high percentage of guns in places like Iraq and Switzerland .... but Finland?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

well I own weapons my self, and I'm a proud Canadian! I don't think they should ban weapons all together, they should make it tougher to own one, here in Canada we need to make numerous exams, and the background investigation they make before you are eligible to own a weapon, and you can't own a weapon if you are not member of a shooting range and to be member of a shooting range there are other fees, investigations etc so it makes it safer and not to say to own a weapon here can take up to 3 - 5 months! from the day you say I want my first firearm till the day you actually get it.