Thursday, January 27, 2011

What Afghanistan Would Look Like If The Taliban Are In Control (Video)

Graphic Video of Fatal Stoning Shows Taliban's Strength -- ABC News

Afghan Man and Woman Executed for Adultry Despite Wishes of Villagers

About 200 people listen to a Taliban mullah describe why a man and woman deserve to be killed. A few dozen spectators – people from the local community -- start throwing rocks at the woman, who had already been placed in a 4-foot-deep hole. They throw with relish and yell, "Allah akbar."

At one point a large rock strikes her head and she falls down, her burqa red with blood. After the rock throwing ends, a few people debate whether she should be shot. Eventually one of the spectators shoots her with an AK-47. She falls into the hole, out of sight. There is a short period of absolute silence, and then the spectators turn to each other and start talking.

Read more ....

Update: Horrific video emerges of Taliban fighters and Afghan villagers stoning couple to death for 'adultery' -- The Daily Mail

My Comment: The Taliban are behaving the same way as they did when they ruled Afghanistan .... they cannot change who they are.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well that is their way, it is sad but who are we to impose our way of living, cultural differences is a very sensitive subject. What may seem brutal to you is ok to some, what is ok to you is brutal to some. sensitive.