Thursday, January 27, 2011

What Is The New U.S. Terrorism Adviser Thinking

New Terrorism Adviser Takes A 'Broad Tent' Approach -- NPR

There's a pattern to recent terror attacks in the United States: Americans — either citizens or residents — have been behind them. In the past two years, dozens of American citizens and residents have been arrested on terrorism charges.

In some cases, the suspects were young Muslims traveling overseas to train for violent jihad. In others, they're accused of actually trying to launch attacks. Attorney General Eric Holder said homegrown terrorism is one of those things that keeps U.S. officials awake at night.

Read more ....

My Comment: The most interesting part of this story was the following tidbit of information ....

..... As part of his research, Wiktorowicz interviewed hundreds of Islamists in the United Kingdom. After compiling his interviews he came to the conclusion that — contrary to popular belief — very religious Muslims were in fact the people who ended up being the most resistant to radicalization.

Hmmmm .... granted that this research was done in the U.K., and very religious and devout leaders in other countries may not be holding the same mindset .... but this data is still very interesting.


Unknown said...

I apologize but I do not see this intelligence report with any value at all.

''...As part of his research, Wiktorowicz interviewed hundreds of Islamists in the United Kingdom...''

Well these people left their countries, they left their country for one reason and one reason only! they got fed up with the system and way of thinking back home. And then you take those people to make an intelligence report is not an accurate research.

i'll give an extremist example but:

If I have to make an intelligence report about mexican drug cartel trafficking, I cant go to home depot and interview mexicans there and file it in as an accurate intelligence report about mexican drug cartels, even if they once were inside those cartels, it is just not accurate information.

I think ''Wiktorowicz '' should go see some real people, if you want a report on papa's smurf fishing trip, you dont go talk with mama smurf.

War News Updates Editor said...

Absolutely, his research was only focused in England.

What is happening in the rest of the Muslim world .... hmmmmm ..... I suspect it is very different.

Unknown said...
