Monday, January 17, 2011

World News Briefs -- January 17, 2011

New Tunisian Government Could Be Announced Monday -- CNN

Tunis, Tunisia (CNN) -- A new Tunisian government could be announced Monday, one day after the country's army clashed with armed gangs and remnants of ousted President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali's personal guard.

Ben Ali fled to Saudi Arabia on Friday after ruling the country for 23 years. His ouster followed weeks of protest over what Tunisians said were poor living conditions, high unemployment, government corruption and repression.

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Stuxnet virus attack: Russia warns of ‘Iranian Chernobyl'.

Lebanon postpones talks on new government by a week.

Israel's defense minister quits Labor Party.

IAEA envoys visit Iran's Natanz enrichment site: report.

Rights group decries 'execution binge' in Iran.

Lebanon in flux as Hezbollah leader refuses to back prime minster. Hezbollah won't back Hariri government in Lebanon.


ASEAN Foreign Ministers call for lifting Of Myanmar sanctions.

17 Afghan civilians killed by roadside bombs in 24 hours.

Explosion on bus in NW Pakistan kills 18.

SKorea: Nuclear push could bring North's collapse.

Flooded Brisbane returns to work as power restored. Australia says economic cost of floods to top other disasters.


1,500 Britons face machete mobs in Tunisia: Fury as BA flies tourists INTO war zone despite official warning. Battles in Tunis as new government takes shape.

Obama congratulates South Sudan on independence vote, but what about Abyei?

Egyptian man gets death sentence for killing Christians.

Ivory Coast political stand-off 'revives ethnic tensions'.

Zimbabwe: Foreign firms forced to back Mugabe's sanctions protest.


German coalition split on increasing EU's bail-out fund.

Irish premier won't quit over Ireland debt crisis.

France's National Front picks Marine Le Pen as new head.

Athens goes on security alert for trial of suspected militants.


Haiti's ousted dictator Jean-Claude 'Baby Doc' Duvalier returns. 'Baby Doc' returns to Haiti after 25 years.

Brazil rains kill more than 600, epidemic feared.

U.S. satisfaction remains near 12-month low.

Gang's terror felt far from drug war on US border.

US cancels 'virtual fence' along Mexican border. What's Plan B?


Air strikes by drones effective in Waziristan.

Pakistan lacks effective counter-terrorism policy: PIPS report.

US, Kuwait, and United Airlines heading for anti-terrorism clash?

Al-Qaeda propagandist Anwar al-Awlaki sentenced to ten years in prison.


Chinese PM Hu calls currency system 'product of the past'.

Venezuela says oil reserves surpass Saudi Arabia's.

Iran's Mir-Kazemi says $100 oil would not warrant OPEC emergency meeting. Iran joins Venezuela, Libya to say no harm in $100 oil.

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