Friday, February 18, 2011

Are CIA Drone Attacks In Pakistan Suspended?

Secret CIA Drone Attacks In Pakistan Suspended, As Obama Seeks To Free Imprisoned ‘Diplomat’ -- Bureau Of Investigative Journalism

President Obama’s covert drone war inside Pakistan is on hold after the arrest of Raymond Davis, a US government employee believed by many to be a secret agent or Special Forces operative, research by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism shows.

One hundred and eighty lethal US drone strikes have been made inside Pakistan since Barack Obama became president: a deadly attack every four days or so, in a campaign the US continues to publicly deny.

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More News On The U.S. Suspending Drone Attacks In Pakistan

Did a Spy Flap Stop the Drones From Blasting Pakistan? -- The Danger Room
Drone Strikes Stop in Pakistan After U.S. Embassy Employee Arrest -- Atlantic Wire
U.S. drones fall silent in Pakistan; only a brief respite? -- Reuters
Killings Spark CIA Fears in Pakistan -- Ron Morea, Daily Beast
CIA-ISI ties plunges to all time low hitting US drone strikes -- DNA
Spy Feud Hampers Antiterror Efforts -- Wall Street Journal
Was Davis Running Drone Program in Pakistan? -- Times of India

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