Saturday, February 12, 2011

Is The Pentagon Budget Being Increased Or Decreased?

Pentagon Budget Multiplies As Security Threat List Grows -- McClatchy News

WASHINGTON — Despite calls on Capitol Hill for major defense budget cuts, the Pentagon next week will unveil the largest budget in its history — driven by an expanding list of what defines national security.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates said his proposed $553 billion budget "represents, in my view, the minimum level of defense spending that is necessary, given the complex and unpredictable array of security challenges the United States faces around the globe."

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More News On The Pentagon Budget

Amidst talks of budget cuts, Pentagon pushing for more money -- CNN
Obama's Pentagon cuts not what they seem -- CNN
DoD to ‘Boost’ Space Spending? -- Executive Gov
Missile Defense Interceptor Gets $1.7 Billion U.S. Budget Boost -- Bloomberg
Pentagon Stymied in Efforts to Ax Airborne Laser -- Global Security Newswire
2012 Defense Budget Marks a Shift to Conventional Weaponry -- National Defense
Decoding the Defense Budget -- CDI
What Defense should expect in FY 2012 budget -- Federal News Radio
DoD Fiscal 2012 Budget Proposal Briefings Announced -- Military Spot
Pentagon budget relies heavily on anticipated savings -- NextGov
Threatening a sacred cow -- The Economist
The GOP's defense budget mystery -- George Will, Washington Post
Guest Blogger Lt Col Todd Copeland: Missions Won’t Change; Budgets Shouldn’t Either -- Heritage Foundation

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