Monday, February 7, 2011

The U.K. Government Comes Clean On The Release Of The Lockerbie Bomber

British Prime Minister Blasts Handling Of Lockerbie Bomber Case -- CNN

London (CNN) -- The previous British government never exerted any pressure on Scottish officials to release convicted Lockerbie bomber Abdelbeset Ali Mohmed al Megrahi, according to the newly released conclusion of an internal document review ordered by Prime Minister David Cameron.

It also notes, however, that British officials gave Libyan authorities advice on how to get Megrahi released. The decision to offer such advice was profoundly wrong, Cameron said Monday. The release of Megrahi was "a flawed decision," he told members of parliament.

More News On The Release Of The Lockerbie Bomber

David Cameron: Lockerbie bomber Megrahi release wrong
-- BBC
UK report: previous gov't backed bomber's release -- AP
UK govt 'helped' Libya over Lockerbie bomber -- AFP
UK says Labour govt aided Libya over bomber release -- Reuters
Secret correspondence shows British helped Libya secure Megrahi release -- The Telegraph
Scottish Ministers offered to free Lockerbie bomber in secret deal to end 'slop bucket' payments to prisoners -- The Daily Mail
UK ministers 'wanted Lockerbie bomber released' -- BBC
Labour 'assisted bomber's release' -- Press Association
Documents to show Blair complicit in freeing Lockerbie bomber -- Sydney Morning Herald
SNP face fresh claims of making deal to free Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset al-Megrahi -- Daily Record
Ministers met Libyan officials to discuss Megrahi -- Scotsman
Straw defends Labour's role in Megrahi release -- BBC
BP lobbying 'changed Megrahi case' -- Press Association

Lockerbie report: Facilitating a travesty -- The Telegraph
Two-faced on Lockerbie? -- Nick Robinson, BBC
How Labour ministers helped Libya win release of Lockerbie bomber al-Megrahi -- London Evening Standard
Lockerbie timeline: how bomber was freed after Britain's relations with Libya warmed -- The Telegraph
Lockerbie: David Cameron blames Gordon Brown – but would he have done any better? -- Benedict Brogan

1 comment:

Unknown said...

BP screwed the Gulf in its oil grabbing; and they got what they wanted by releasing a guy that should have been executed....BP rules and all give in to them.