Saturday, February 5, 2011

UK Prime Minister: Multiculturalism Gives Rise To Islamic Extremism

State Multiculturalism Has Failed, Says David Cameron -- BBC

David Cameron has criticised "state multiculturalism" in his first speech as prime minister on radicalisation and the causes of terrorism.

At a security conference in Munich, he argued the UK needed a stronger national identity to prevent people turning to all kinds of extremism.

He also signalled a tougher stance on groups promoting Islamist extremism.

The speech angered some Muslim groups, while others queried its timing amid an English Defence League rally in the UK.

As Mr Cameron outlined his vision, he suggested there would be greater scrutiny of some Muslim groups which get public money but do little to tackle extremism.

Read more ....

More News On The Failure Of Multiculturalism In Britain

Multiculturalism has failed, says Cameron -- AFP
David Cameron blames multiculturalism for Islamic extremism -- The Telegraph
Multiculturalism has failed: PM -- Press Association
Cameron Criticizes ‘Multiculturalism’ in Britain -- New York Times
David Cameron stands by his attack on Islamism -- The Telegraph
Cameron promises to isolate hostile Muslim groups -- Financial Times
David Cameron's attack on multiculturalism divides the coalition -- The Guardian
Labour accuses Cameron of lining up with extremists on multiculturalism -- The Independent
Multiculturalism: Mr Cameron's crude caricature solves no problems -- Guardian editorial
David Cameron versus the Islamists: the Prime Minister throws down the gauntlet to a deadly enemy -- Niles Gardiner, The Telegraph

My Comment: One thing that I have always admired about the US and Canada is that both countries strongly promote the idea of having a melting pot of immigrants. Unfortunately .... immigrants from predominantly Muslim nations do not share this point view, and as a result .... at least in my part of the world (i.e. Montreal) .... ghettos have formed in which Muslims predominate. As a result, concerns about Islamic extremism now exist in Canada, which have been further amplified by recent arrests of Muslims who have been planning massive terror attacks. While I do not know from personal experience if this is the same in England, I do know that from what I have read and from my own experiences of traveling abroad .... I am sure that this is also happening there. Hence .... Prime Minister Cameron's concerns about Islamic extremism and how such philosophies are being developed and promoted in England.

I know that supporters of multiculturalism will not agree with my assessment .... unfortunately .... from what I see with my own eyes .... I wish I was wrong .... but I know that I am not. As to PM Cameron's further contention that some of these Muslim ghettos may promote Islamic terrorism and jihad .... sighhhh .... when you read stories like this one, you know that you have a problem.

Update: Prime Minister Cameron is not the only leader who realizes that immigrants from Islamic countries do not integrate well in their new country. This leader has realized that there is a problem, as well as this one.

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