Saturday, February 19, 2011

Why Unrest In Bahrain Worries Washington

Bahrain Protests A Worry For US And Its Fifth Fleet -- The Guardian

American naval presence in the Gulf is headquartered in the capital, Manama, where deadly clashes are taking place

The US will be watching developments in Bahrain anxiously as it is the headquarters of the US navy's fifth fleet, which operates at least one aircraft carrier in the Gulf at all times, along with an amphibious group of ships with marines aboard.

The fleet's presence is aimed at ensuring the free flow of oil through the Gulf, as well as monitoring Iran and deterring piracy.

US navy officials have said there is no sign that crowds intend to direct their hostility toward the roughly 4,200 service members who live and work there.

Read more

More News On U.S. Interests In Bahrain

Pentagon Watching Unrest in Bahrain -- New York Times
U.S. Takes Cautious Line on Fifth Fleet's Base -- Wall Street Journal
Mideast unrest puts US military access in jeopardy -- AFP
U.S. walks tightrope in policy toward Bahrain violence -- L.A. Times
BAHRAIN: Pentagon calls on government to 'refrain from violence' -- L.A. Times
FACTBOX-U.S. Navy's Fifth Fleet, based in Bahrain -- Reuters
Bahrain: Key U.S. Military Hub -- NPR
US Military Aid to Bahrain -- MRZine

My Comment: Considering how important Bahrain is to U.S. strategic and security interests, it should not be a surprise that President Obama is encouraging restraint.

But no one is listening.

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