Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Afghanistan War News Updates -- March 15, 2011

U.S. forces commander in Afghanistan David Petraeus. (Xinhua/Sarosh)

General Petraeus Takes The Hill -- Time Magazine

Army Gen. Dave Petraeus returns to Washington to testify before Congress on Tuesday for the first time since he took command of the Afghan war nearly a year ago. He actually stepped down as head of U.S. Central Command to take the job, after having successfully engineered the "surge" and the Sunni "awakening" in Iraq that calmed that messy conflict. Petraeus has been telling anyone who listens -- and he will repeat it Tuesday and Wednesday -- that progress is coming, slowly and fitfully, to Afghanistan.

Read more ....

More News On Afghanistan

Petraeus to face Congress as Afghanistan war doubts grow -- L.A. Times
Petraeus to give Congress upbeat view of Afghan war -- Philadelphia Inquirer
Petraeus to Sound Upbeat Note on Afghan War Progress in Testimony on Capitol Hill -- AP
Petraeus to give upbeat view of Afghan fight -- AP
Petraeus urges non-military funding for Afghan war -- AP
Gen. Petraeus to be pressed on Afghan war’s costs, timeline -- The Hill
What Congress Should Ask Petraeus -- Danger Room
For Petraeus, Apathy About Afghanistan May Be the Biggest Challenge -- National Journal
Members should listen to Gen. Petraeus -- By Rep. Buck McKeon (R-Calif.), The Hill

Obama talks Afghanistan with US military leaders -- AFP
Obama, Petraeus meet to discuss Afghan drawdown -- Xinhuanet

US intelligence questions the progress in Afghanistan -- Sydney Morning Herald
Bomb kills 37 at Afghan army base -- Washington Post
NATO air strike killed two Afghan children in east: officials -- Reuters
Teacher, politician killed in Afghan blasts -- AFP
Troops eye battle ahead as Afghan spring looms -- DAWN/AFP
Young Scots soldier tells of improving security situation in Afghanistan -- Daily Record
US Defense Secretary Visits Former Taliban Village, Still Calls Progress 'Fragile' -- Voice of America
Everyday life hides threat of violence in Afghanistan -- Toronto Sun
Gates says U.S. ‘well-positioned’ for some troop reductions in Afghanistan in July -- Washington Post
First to Leave Afghanistan Will Be Noncombat Troops -- New York Times

Poll Shows 64 Percent Of Americans Saying Afghan War 'Not Worth It' -- NPR
Poll: Nearly two-thirds of Americans say Afghan war isn’t worth fighting -- Washington Post
Poll: Support for Afghan war hits new low -- The Hill

Afghanistan’s Many Annual Turning Points -- Joshua Foust, Registan

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