Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Growing Role Of Bloggers In Covering Troublespots In The World

When Unrest Stirs, Bloggers Are Already in Place -- New York Times

As the protests spread across Tunisia for weeks, many international news organizations scrambled to cover the unrest just before President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali fled on Jan. 14, ending 23 years of authoritarian rule. But Amira al-Hussaini was all over the story.

Ms. Hussaini oversaw a handful of bloggers who gathered information about the mounting protests in Tunisia for Global Voices, a volunteer-driven organization and platform that works with bloggers all over the world to translate, aggregate and link to online content. As part of its reporting, she said, the site turned to Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, where other bloggers and hundreds of ordinary people stepped into the role of citizen journalists and shared their experiences, cellphone photos and videos online.

Read more ....

My Comment: I concur with this analysis. I now find more information from bloggers (who can write English) than from the major news networks and wire services on most major international news story. I expect this trend to continue, especially as the internet becomes the main source of information for most readers.

Update: Internet will soon be top choice to get news in America as it overtakes newspapers for first time -- The Daily Mail

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