Monday, March 28, 2011

Indian Navy Captures 16 Somali Pirates On Pirate Mothership

Indian Navy Captures 16 Somali Pirates On Iranian Ship -- BBC

India's navy has seized 16 Somali pirates after a three-hour-long battle in the Arabian Sea, a spokesman said.

The navy also rescued 16 crew members of a hijacked Iranian ship west of the Lakshadweep islands. The crew included 12 Iranians and four Pakistanis.

The navy said the pirates were using the vessel as a mother ship to launch attacks in the Indian Ocean. They were trying to seize another ship.

Attacks by pirates off the Indian coast have become increasingly violent.

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More News On Somali Piracy

Navy intercepts pirate ship, apprehends 16 in Arabian Sea
-- The Hindu
Indian Navy thwart piracy attempt, 16 pirates held -- Economic Times
Sixteen pirates captured across Lakshadweep -- IBN LIve
Indian Navy captures 16 pirates, rescues kidnapped crew-- Defense Web

Pirates Hijack Oil Tanker off East Africa
-- ABC News
Pirates hijack oil tanker off East Africa -- SFGate/AP
Pirates hijack oil tanker off East Africa -- CTV News

India, Somalia agree to tackle Somali pirates menace jointly -- Daily India
Somali pirates : steep rise in attacks -- News Insurance
Somali pirate offers to release Danish family in exchange for hand of daughter, 13 -- Daily Mail

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