Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Israel Seizes Ship With Iranian Arms For Gaza

IDF Seizes Freighter Of Iranian Weapons Headed To Gaza -- Jerusalem Post

The IDF seized a freighter ship with dozens of tons of weaponry from Iran headed for Hamas in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday.

The ship, known as Victoria, was flying a Liberian flag, and was seized by the navy in the Mediterranean Sea, 200 miles off of Israel's coast.

The Victoria was boarded by commandos from the Israeli Navy's Flotilla 13, also known as the Shayetet, arrived in the Ashdod port on Tuesday evening.

An initial inspection of the cargo revealed the ship was carrying weapons. The exact amount is to be determined.

The crew, questioned by the Navy Commando, was not aware that the cargo contained weaponry.

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More News On Israel Seizing A Weapons Bound Ship To Gaza

Israel seizes 'Gaza-bound weapons' -- Al Jazeera
Israel seizes cargo ship 'carrying weapons for Gaza' -- The Telegraph
Israel says weapons on seized ship were bound for Gaza -- L.A. Times
Israel Seizes Ship With Iranian Arms Destined for Gaza -- AOL News
Israel Seizes Ship Loaded With Arms and Headed to Egypt -- New York Times
Israel Seizes Ship Carrying Arms -- wall Street Journal
Israeli Navy Seizes Suspected Arms Vessel -- FOX News
Israel navy seizes weapons boat 'en route to Gaza' -- AFP
Barak: 'Victoria' may have smuggled anti-ship missiles -- Jerusalem Post
Netanyahu: Arms on seized ship came from Iran via Syria -- Haaretz

1 comment:

Moshe Sharon said...

An Arab from Gaza and a self-confessed member of Hamas once asked me, “How can we have peace?” I though it was a strange question coming from a terrorist. When I asked him if he was ready to recognize Israel's right to exist, he answered, “There is no such country as 'Israel'; there is only Palestine, my country.” That's why negotiating peace with Hamas or any other Arab faction is a fool's errand. In this man’s mind, Israel’s right to exist is not an issue because there is no Israel; there is just a large, well-armed group of space-occupying Jewish squatters, who deserve death. Furthermore, every U.S. president keeps saying the same mantra, “They [Palestinian Authority] must recognize Israel’s right to exist.” Correction; they must first recognize that Israel exists. Actually, somebody forgot to tell all of the politicians that we Jews don’t need their permission to exist as a nation; G-d gave that to us at Mount Sinai. Http://soulfulthought.blogspot.com