Monday, March 28, 2011

Libya War News Updates -- March 28, 2011

Libyan Regime Could Collapse From Within, U.S. Officials Say -- L.A. Times

Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton say they have received hints that some officials close to Moammar Kadafi may be ready to abandon him.

Top Obama administration officials predicted that Libyan leader Moammar Kadafi's regime may crack from within, as allied warplanes, resurgent rebels and the international community put more pressure on Tripoli.

Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, in appearances on Sunday talk shows, said they had received indications that some officials close to Kadafi might be ready to abandon him.

More News On The Libyan War

Libya: live -- The Telegraph
Libya and Middle East unrest – live blog -- The Guardian
BBC Live on Libyan conflict -- BBC

Libyan rebels close on key Gadhafi stronghold -- Yahoo News/AP
Rebels advance on eve of Libya crisis talks -- Yahoo News/Reuters
Libyan rebel advance halted, Sirte blasted by NATO jets -- Yahoo News/AFP
Fresh Airstrikes Aid Rebels -- Wall Street Journal
Libyan rebels reclaim lost ground; NATO to expand its role -- L.A. Times
Libya rebels take another town on advance west: TV -- Reuters
Libyan rebels capture key oil towns; Qatar recognizes rebel council -- Washington Post

Muammar Gaddafi's home town hotly fought -- The Australian
Rebels clash with Gaddafi forces on road to Sirte -- Reuters
Libya raids hit Gaddafi hometown -- BBC
Libyan rebels close in on key Gadhafi stronghold -- Washington Times
Libyan rebels advance on Muammar Gaddafi's home town -- The Guardian
Libya: Rebels race towards Sirte -- The Telegraph
Libya crisis: Why Sirte matters to Gaddafi and the rebels -- The Telegraph
What will the fall of Sirte mean to Gaddafi? -- Jijo Jacob, IBTimes

Gaddafi takes part of Misrata; battles rage -- Reuters
Gaddafi forces bombard Western city of Misrata -- Reuters

Rape claim Libyan woman held hostage at Gaddafi complex, say parents -- The Guardian
Libyan government offered money to appease Iman al-Obaidi, woman in rape-claim case, mother says -- Washington Post

White House defends mission in Libya -- Washington Post
Gates and Clinton Unite to Defend Libya Intervention, and Say It May Last Awhile -- New York Times

Turkey offers to broker Libya ceasefire as rebels advance on Sirte -- The Guardian
Libya: No arms for rebels, UK's Liam Fox says -- BBC
NATO has begun enforcing Libya no-fly zone: general -- Yahoo News/AFP
NATO agrees to lead airstrikes against Gadhafi -- Washington Times
NATO: Libya mission will be to protect, not arm -- CNN
No plans for 'NATO ground presence' in Libya -- RIA Novosti

Libyan Rebel Gains Could Be Fleeting, U.S. Military Says -- New York Times
Libyan rebels’ ragtag army has heart but lacks organization and training -- Washington Post
U.S. Plan to End Libya War: Hope The Generals Quit -- The Danger Room
Analysis: Rebel leaders cautious as airstrikes reshape battle against Gaddafi -- The Guardian
NATO bombs let rebels fight on Qaddafi's turf
-- CBS
Global powers must offer Gaddafi exit route: analysts -- MSNBC
Is Gadhafi on the ropes in Libya? -- The Week
Why NATO May Stop Short of Bombing Gadhafi’s Regime to Smithereens -- Tony Karon, CNN/Time

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