Tuesday, March 29, 2011

President Obama' Speech On Libya -- News Roundup And Commentaries

Barack Obama Defends US Military Involvement -- The Daily Telegraph

President Barack Obama has offered a moral justification for the coalition military campaign in Libya, saying it had averted a massacre of Col Gaddafi's opponents.

In a nationally televised address the US president answered domestic critics who have questioned the reasons and goals of the mission.

Mr Obama said that allowing the Libyan leader's forces to enter the rebel-held city of Benghazi would have "stained the conscience of the world", and resulted in a massacre that would have offered a green light to other dictators in the regions to commit violence against their peoples.

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More News On President Obama's Speech On Libya

Text Of Obama's Speech On Libya: 'A Responsibility To Act' -- NPR

Obama strongly defends US military action in Libya -- Yahoo News/AP
Obama vows U.S. forces won't get bogged down in Libya -- Yahoo News/Reuters
Obama 'we stopped massacre in Libya' -- Yahoo News/AFP
Obama: U.S. had responsibility to act in Libya -- Washington Post
Obama: Libya mission necessary to protect 'common humanity' -- Christina Science Monitor
‘Deadly advance’ Obama’s trigger -- Washington Times
Brutality in Libya required swift action, Obama says -- Boston.com
Obama Cites Limits of U.S. Role in Libya -- New York Times
Obama offers forceful defense of Libya action -- CBS News
Obama: We should not be afraid to act -- CBS
Obama makes his case for U.S. intervention in Libya -- CNN
Obama: U.S. Has 'Stopped Qaddafi's Deadly Advance' in Libya -- FOX News
Libya: Obama defends war, insists US role is limited -- BBC
Obama Defends US Involvement in Libyan Air Campaign -- Voice of America
Obama Seeks to Bolster Public Support -- Wall Street Journal
Obama: ‘We Have Responsibility to Act’ -- Wall Street Journal
Obama seeks to define Libya goals, exit plan -- Reuters

Commentaries, Opinions, Editorials, And Analysis On President Obama's Speech On U.S. Involvement In the Libyan War

Reactions to Obama's address on Libya -- CNN
The president makes his case on Libya -- L.A. Times editorial
The president’s speech -- Washington Times editorial
Echoes of Bush in Obama’s Libya Speech -- Michael Shear, New York Times
Obama's Libya speech: Did it outline where intervention is headed? -- Peter Grier, Christian Science Monitor
Obama had to navigate a difficult path in defending Libya strikes -- James Oliphant, L.A. Times
Obama speech offers clarity on Libya policy -- David Ignatius, Washington Post
In Obama’s speech, echoes of JFK -- Robert Kagan, Washington Post
Obama makes convincing case for action in Libya -- Jonathan Capehart, Washington Post
Obama on Libya: Strong on justification, short on strategy -- Stephen Stromberg, Washington Post
The Obama doctrine -- By Aaron Blake and Chris Cillizza, Washington Post
Obama’s Speech on Libya Leaves Big Questions Unanswered -- Todd S. Purdum, Vanity Fair
Obama's Libya Speech: The Doctrine Is Clear, but the Mission Isn't -- Michael Crowley, Time
Obama's Libya speech: satisfactory, but not satisfying -- Peter Feaver, Shadow Government/Foreign Policy
The Obama Doctrine is bad foreign policy -- Peter Morici, Christian Science Monitor
Analysis: Obama Doesn’t Mention Libyan Rebels -- Military.com/AP
Wilsonian/Neocon/Interventionist, or Cool Pragmatic Realist? -- Daniel Foster, NRO
Why Libya? Because we could. -- David Rothkopf, Foreign Policy
Why Libya? Because We Could and Our Interests and Values Demanded It -- Marc Ambinder, National Journal

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