Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Russian Intelligence Believes That NATO Has A Plan To Initiate Ground Operations In Libya?

Rebels travel in a convoy on their way to Sirte city near Bin Jawad March 28, 2011.As NATO has begun to take over the task of enforcing a no-fly zone over Libya, Western coalition warplanes continued to pound Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's bastion and hometown.(Xinhua/AFP Photo)

Ground Operation In Libya Could Start In April - Russian Intelligence -- Trend

The international coalition force is planning a ground operation in Libya that could start in late April, a high-ranking Russian intelligence service source said on Friday, RIA Novosti reported.

"Information coming via different channels shows that NATO countries, with the active participation of Britain and the United States, are developing a plan for a ground operation on Libyan territory," he said.

Read more ....

Update: US-Led Libyan Ground Assault Planned -- Indy Bay

My Comment: Russian concerns are justified. I am sure that NATO and/or coalition partners have a plan to intervene into Libya if everything goes to hell .... i.e. a collapse of the Libyan government and state institutions, total anarchy followed by violence, coupled with a dysfunctional and disorganized Libyan opposition group that cannot come to some agreement to establish a structure that will rule Libya. If NATO does not have a plan .... I would suggest that they start making one right now.

On a side note .... the American left also share Russian concerns of a NATO ground invasion in Libya.

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