Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Unrest In Syria -- News Updates March 29, 2011

Syrian Cabinet Resigns As Regime Seeks To Calm Protests -- The Guardian

President Bashar al-Assad accepts resignations amid speculation over scrapping of emergency laws.

The entire Syrian cabinet has resigned amid the country's worst unrest in decades, state television has announced.

President Bashar al-Assad accepted the cabinet's resignation after a meeting on Tuesday. The move is the latest concession by the government after more than a week of mass protests calling for more political freedom. But it will not affect Assad, who holds the lion's share of power in the regime.

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More News On The Unrest In Syria

Syrian Cabinet resigns amid unrest -- Yahoo News/AP
Syrian government resigns: state television -- Yahoo News/Reuters
Syrian cabinet resigns amid unrest, says state TV -- BBC
Syria's Cabinet Resigns Amid Protests -- Voice of America
Syrian Cabinet Resigns as Protests Continue -- New York Times
Syrian government resigns: state television -- National Post
Syrian government resigns -- Financial Times
Syrian government resigns -- CNN

Syria unrest: Pro-Assad rallies in Damascus and Aleppo -- BBC
Syrians join the Arab protests -- The Guardian
Syrian protesters dispersed after clashes -- Al Jazeera
Syrian president wavers between crackdown or compromise as southern protests continues -- Washington Post/AP
Syrian Protesters Wait for President's Address -- Voice of America
Syrian president to address people soon -- Xinhuanet
Assad plots his next move in live-or-die game for Syria -- Paul McGeough, Sydney Morning Herald

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