Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Warning From China's Premier That China Must Change

Warning: Wen Jiabao, the Chinese Premier since 2003, believes that political reform would help instil more respect from the public

Is Even China Scared Of Middle East Unrest? Premier Warns Country Must Carry Out Political Reforms Or 'Lose Economic Achievements' -- The Daily Mail

* 'Incorrect' to compare China with Jasmine Revolution says Wen Jiabao
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The Chinese Premier has warned that the country must evolve and carry out political reforms in order to not lose economic achievements.

Wen Jiabao has been in his role as head of the government for eight years and he said today that official corruption and income equality is likely to increase public discontentment.

In order to combat such a prospect the 69-year-old suggested that there should be carefully controlled political tweaks of the current Communist system employed by the People's Republic of China.

Read more ....

My Comment:
This is quite an extraordinary comment from the man who has led the Chinese government for the past 8 years. Why is he saying this now .... I guess he has finally seen the light, as well as being nervous on how popular revolutions can sometimes get out of hand when non-bending authoritarian governments make the decision to not be sensitive to what the people want.

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