Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Siege of Misrata Brings Comparisons To The Battle Of Stalingrad

Libya: Exclusive Pictures From Misurata By Telegraph Photographer Geoff Pugh -- The Telegraph

Misurata, 125 miles (200km) east of the capital Tripoli, is the last rebel bastion in western Libya. Gaddafi's forces appear bent on seizing the city and crucially its port, which some analysts say Gaddafi needs if he is to survive a long conflict. Telegraph photographer Geoff Pugh travelled from Benghazi to the embattled city on a fishing boat, and sent back these exclusive pictures.

The photo gallery is here.

More News On The Battle In Misrata

Rebels Appeal for NATO to Break Qaddafi’s Siege of Misrata -- Bloomberg Businessweek
Rebels repel twin government offensive in Misrata -- Reuters
Libya unrest: thousands of children caught in the crossfire in Misrata -- The Guardian
Ship on way to Misrata to evacuate migrants-IOM -- Reuters
Gaddafi troops targeting and killing civilians in Misrata siege: HRW -- IBTimes
Libya: Government Attacks in Misrata Kill Civilians -- Human Rights Watch

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