Sunday, May 22, 2011

Fraud At Kabul Bank Puts All Plans For U.K. Withdrawal In Doubt

Bank chairman Sherkhan Farnood (left) with CEO Khalil Ferozi. REUTERS

$1bn Fraud At Kabul Bank Puts UK's Afghan Pull-Out In Peril -- The Independent

IMF and Britain's foreign aid department both withhold money for reconstruction.

Coalition plans to pull out of Afghanistan are being hampered by theft and fraud totaling nearly $1bn, The Independent on Sunday can reveal. Hopes of a timely withdrawal of British troops from the region have been dealt a critical blow by revelations about massive bank frauds which have forced donors to suspend vital international aid.

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My Comment
: I understand that fraud is part of the human condition, and that all countries experience fraud and corruption to a certain degree. But it appears that Afghanistan approaches fraud and corruption from an entirely different level and perspective.

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