Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Intelligence Official Outed In Situation Room Photo

President Obama, members of the national security team and one mystery woman receive an update on the mission against Osama bin Laden in the Situation Room of the White House. (By Pete Souza/White House via Reuters)

Who Is The Situation Room Mystery Woman? -- Washington Post

How many people do you recognize in this photo of the Situation Room? Most people in this now-famous photograph, showing President Obama and his national security team getting updates on the mission that killed Osama bin Laden, are recognizable public figures. Except for one: the brunette peaking from between the shoulders of Tony Blinken, national security adviser to the vice president, and counterterrorism adviser John Brennan.

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My Comment: If her work is of a clandestine nature, this photo is not going to give her career a boost.

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