Sunday, May 8, 2011

Is The White House Talking Too Much?

Rumsfeld: White House Staff Talks Too Much -- Washington Times

Former Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld said Sunday that White House staffers may be undermining intelligence efforts in the wake of the killing of Osama bin Laden by talking too much about what the American forces found in the terrorist leader’s Pakistan compound.

“I would have preferred a lot less discussion about intelligence out of the White House,” Mr. Rumsfeld said on CBS‘ “Face the Nation.” “And my guess is the people in the Pentagon feel that way.

“The more information that goes out about intelligence, the greater the risks to our people and the less likelihood we’re going to be able to capture or kill,” he said.

Read more ....

My Comment: Rumsfeld's concerns are justified .... but in a 24/7 universe where information can never be kept under wraps for any medium-long period of time .... information and secrets are going to be leaked out.


Philip said...

No, it's more a matter of "success has many parents, while failure is an orphan".

Factor in the start of the re-election campaign as well.

War News Updates Editor said...

Thank you Philip for your comment.

Yup .... the election is right around the corner.