Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Smallest Drone Developed For Special Operations Forces

Ready to launch: An Arcturus T-20 loaded on a pneumatic catapult, with two guided parafoil systems mounted under the wings

Send In The Drones: New Arcturus Pilotless Aircraft Is Smallest Yet To Sneak Weapons Behind Enemy Lines -- The Daily Mail

The appeal of a drone, or unmanned aircraft, is obvious: avoid putting a pilot in danger and slip behind enemy lines with increasingly small, light and quiet machines.

Now, a Northern California-based aerospace company has unveiled the smallest drone yet that can carry weapons behind enemy lines (and hopefully not impale our troops, as humorously shown in a recent episode of the TV show 'Weeds'.)

The Arcturus company is showing its new T-20 drone off at the Special Operations Forces Industry Conference in Tampa, Florida.

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