Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Unrest In Syria -- News Updates May 10, 2011

Football Stadiums Being Used As Prisons After Mass Arrests Follow Weekend Of Government Violence In Syria -- Daily Mail

* Mediterranean City stadium in Banias modified to act as giant jail
* More than 400 residents dragged from homes since Saturday
* Soldiers shoot dead four women as human chain blocks tanks' advance
* UN humanitarian team refused entry to Daraa, despite previous agreement
* Yemen security forces kill six after firing on teachers protesting wage cut

The Syrian government is using football stadiums as makeshift prisons after security forces dragged hundreds of residents from their homes.

Stadiums are being used in at least two cities - Banias and Daraa - after mass arrests were made on Monday, said Rami Abdul-Rahman, director of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Security forces broke into homes in the Damascus suburb of Modemiyah and arrested residents arbitrarily as part of government intimidation tactics used to suppress uprisings by protesters asking for reform.

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More News On The Unrest In Syria

Rights group: 757 civilians killed in Syria -- Yahoo News/AP
Assad tightens grip on Syria's restive third city -- Yahoo News/Reuters
Calls for Daily Protests as Tanks Move on Syrian Towns -- New York Times
Hundreds of detentions in Syrian crackdown -- Washington Post
Syria Detains Opposition Activists in Continuing Crackdown -- Voice of America
Syrian Security Forces Surround Restive Areas, Make Arrests, Group Says -- Bloomberg
Syrian army tanks 'moving towards Hama' -- BBC
Scores arrested as Syrian forces seek to crush protests -- L.A. Times
Rights group: 757 civilians killed in Syria -- AP
Young protest leader sees civil war emerging in Syria -- Christian Science Monitor
Ally of Assad Says Syria Will Fight Protests Till ‘the End’ -- New York Times

13 named on Syrian sanctions list -- Al Jazeera
EU slaps sanctions on Syria leader's brother -- AFP
Syrian Officials Targeted by EU Named -- Wall Street Journal
Syrian president's brother placed on EU sanctions list -- The Telegraph

Assad hopes sit-and-wait strategy will wear out an unorganized opposition -- Deutsche Welle
Syrian regime likely to survive uprising: analysts -- AFP
ANALYSIS-Syria's Assad turns to tanks to put down unrest -- Alertnet
Syria -- the Beginnings of Collapse -- Dr. Josef Olmert, Huffington Post
Syria is the Middle East’s new pariah -- National Post editorial
Assad says he's winning in bloody crackdown -- Rick Moran, American Thinker
Obama’s still stuck on Assad -- Jennifer Rubin, Washington Post

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