Tuesday, May 10, 2011

U.S. Was Given The Green Light By Pakistan 10 Years Ago To Go Into Pakistan If Bin Laden Was There

The deal was struck between Pervez Musharraf and George Bush in 2001 and renewed during the 'transition to democracy' – a six-month period from February 2008 when Musharraf was still president but a civilian government had been elected. Photograph: Joshua Roberts/Reuters

Osama bin Laden Mission Agreed In Secret 10 Years Ago By US And Pakistan -- The Guardian

US forces were given permission to conduct unilateral raid inside Pakistan if they knew where Bin Laden was hiding, officials say

The US and Pakistan struck a secret deal almost a decade ago permitting a US operation against Osama bin Laden on Pakistani soil similar to last week's raid that killed the al-Qaida leader, the Guardian has learned.

The deal was struck between the military leader General Pervez Musharraf and President George Bush after Bin Laden escaped US forces in the mountains of Tora Bora in late 2001, according to serving and retired Pakistani and US officials.

Read more ....

Update: Pakistan struck secret deal for U.S. cross border raid on Bin Laden TEN years ago -- The Daily Mail

My Comment
: Something tells me that (in the past week) the Pakistanis forgot about this agreement.

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