Monday, May 9, 2011

Using Spy Crows To Find Osama bin Laden

US Military Planned Using Spy Crows To Find Osama bin Laden -- Science Blogs

THE United States military funded research into using networks of 'spy crows' to locate soldiers who are missing in action, and extended the work to see if the birds might be useful in helping them to find Osama bin Laden. The idea may seem far-fetched, but unlike some military research programs (such as the Stargate remote-viewing program) it is actually based on sound science.

Read more ....

Update #1: Seattle professor: U.S. considered using crows to get bin Laden (KUOW)-- Seattle PI
Update #2: US military considered using crows not SEALS to target bin Laden -- NBC

My Comment: I always thought that using dolphins was asking too much .... but crows !?!?!?!

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