Monday, May 23, 2011

Vladimir Putin Has Decided To Run In Next Year's Russian Presidential Election

President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin

Putin Decides To Retake Presidency -- The Australian/The Times

RUSSIAN Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has decided to run for the presidency next year, raising the possibility of a power struggle with his protege Dmitry Medvedev, the incumbent Kremlin leader, say highly placed sources.

The once-close relationship between Mr Putin, the tough-talking former KGB officer who has inspired a personality cult, and Mr Medvedev, a softly spoken Twitter enthusiast, has become increasingly fractious amid speculation in Moscow that the younger man wishes to stand again.

Insiders familiar with both leaders said Mr Putin, who served eight years as president before becoming Prime Minister three years ago, had begun to lose confidence in Mr Medvedev's loyalty.

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My Comment: I speculated a few days ago that I would be surprised if Putin should decide to run for the President's office next year. He is fabulously wealthy, he enjoys his freedom, and more importantly .... he has become aware on the "fragility of life" and the need to enjoy every moment as if it was your last. Running for President would change all of that, a prospect that I am sure he is not feeling comfortable to pursue.

If the Times report is true, it then tells me that Putin has lost confidence in President Medvedev, and that there is no one else on the scene to replace him that would meet Putin's approval. His decision to run will make the dynamics of next year's Russian election interesting, but in this Presidential race I predict Putin will win in a landslide.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i disagree. it is very difficult to beat an incumbent president of any country.