Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What Happened In The Situation Room When The Bin Laden Operation Was Unfolding

(Click on Image to Enlarge)
Tension: President Obama took 16 hours to decide whether to go with the mission. Hilary Clinton watches the dramatic moment unfold with apparent shock

Revealed: The Disagreements And Tension In The White House Bunker As SEALs Closed In On Their Prey Halfway Around The World -- The Daily Mail

For Barack Obama, it is the image that he might want to define his presidency more than any other – the grim-faced leader and his security team captured at the moment of the riskiest gamble of his administration.

It could be a scene from political drama The West Wing. Indeed, it took place in the White House’s west wing. But this was not fiction.

From halfway around the world, President Obama and members of the National Security Council huddled in front of a video screen on Sunday afternoon to follow the raid on Osama Bin Laden’s Pakistan compound as it happened.

Their faces, racked by tension, looked set in stone – hardly surprising, given what was at stake.

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My Comment: What has caught my eye since this story first broke out on Sunday, is the above picture. Pete Souza is the White House photographer. Kudos to him for capturing the moment.

1 comment:

CTB said...

I'm not so sure that is a photo... perhaps its just editing, but the unnatural light says photoshop to me.