Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Will President Obama Apologize To CIA Interrogators?

Obama Owes Thanks, And An Apology, To CIA Interrogators -- Marc A. Thiessen, Washington Post

In normal times, the officials who uncovered the intelligence that led us to Osama bin Laden would get a medal. In the Obama administration, they have been given subpoenas.

On his second day in office, Obama shut down the CIA’s high-value interrogation program. His Justice Department then reopened criminal investigations into the conduct of CIA interrogators — inquiries that had been closed years before by career prosecutors who concluded that there were no crimes to prosecute. In a speech at the National Archives, Obama eviscerated the men and women of the CIA, accusing them of “torture” and declaring that their work “did not advance our war and counterterrorism efforts — they undermined them.”

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My Comment: Long time readers of this blog know that I have been a critic of this administrations policies and actions against CIA officials who in the Bush administration sanctioned the use of enhanced interrogation techniques in obtaining information from Al Qaeda suspects. Some regular readers of this blog have criticized me on this viewpoint, and while I agree to disagree, I do believe that now is the time to have an independent investigation and analysis on the effectiveness of CIA enhanced interrogation techniques, and the role that it played in catching Osama Bin laden.

Will such an independent investigation and analysis be done .... after this weekend's events I can say with 99% confidence that the conclusions from such an investigation will contradict the stated position from this White House .... a position that I am sure the White House does not want to face. The fact that this administration is reluctant to further pursue this matter is vindication to me that they also know what the results of such an investigation will be, and want this issue to die right now.

My prediction .... by next week .... the issue of the CIA using (or not using) enhanced interrogation techniques will be swept under the rug and forgotten by all with the exception of a few bloggers .... including this one.

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