Wednesday, June 8, 2011

'21st-Century Warfare': A Canadian Perspective

Prime Minister Stephen Harper sits with Chief of Defence Staff Walter Natynczyk while touring the Dahla Dam in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan May 7, 2009. Photograph by: CHRIS WATTIE REUTERS FILE, Postmedia News

'21st-Century Warfare' -- Montreal Gazette/Post Media News

The 'whole of government approach' combining Ottawa's resources with those of the Canadian Forces to forge an integrated military-civilian approach has created a 'wildly successful' new combat model

It is a bizarre sight in the middle of this vast and scorching desert: a tropical Eden of exotic birds and dazzling flowers enveloped in a fine cool mist, and all because of the torrents of water roaring from the Dahla Dam's hydraulic gates.

If future generations of Afghans remember anything about Canada's five-year quest to bring security, stability and development to Kandahar, it will almost certainly be for fixing up this paradise on a plateau to the northwest of the capital of Kandahar province.

Canada has invested $50 million to bring the Dahla Dam back to life and clean up 74 kilometres of irrigation canals connected to the Arghandab River.

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My Comment: Afghanistan has a culture of corruption, warfare, and sectarian/religious violence. If the Dahla Dam is still operational 10 - 20 years from now after the last international soldier has left .... I will be very surprise.

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