Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Air Force’s Global Hawk Aerial Drone Is Not Suitable For Operations

Northrop Grumman's Q-4B Global Hawk

Pentagon Testers Slam Aerial Spy Drone As Unfit For Operations -- The Hill

The Air Force’s Global Hawk aerial drone is not suitable for operations, according to a scathing Pentagon report obtained by The Hill.

The report by the Pentagon’s top weapons tester found that the latest version of the spy plane, known as the “Block 30,” was “not operationally effective” in conducting the kinds of “near-continuous” intelligence-gathering missions envisioned in initial service plans for the unmanned aircraft.

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More News On The Global Hawk

Pentagon Says Northrop’s Global Hawk Drone Isn’t ‘Operationally Effective’ -- Bloomberg
Report: DoD Testers Slam Global Hawk -- DoD Buzz
Pentagon Says Northrop's Global Hawk Drone Isn't 'Effective' -- SFGate
Testers Find Limitations For Global Hawk -- Aviation
First Global Hawk Arrives at Its New Home in Grand Forks -- Defpro

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