Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Al Qaeda's New Death Squad Is Stopped In Its Tracks With The Killing Of Al Qaeda Leader Ilyas Kashmiri

Ilyas Kashmiri Photo: REUTERS

Al Qaeda Leader Ilyas Kashmiri Planned New Death Squad To Avenge bin Laden -- The Telegraph

Al-Qaeda's chief military commander was plotting a new terrorist group called Lashkar-e-Osama to launch a wave of revenge suicide attacks when he was reportedly killed in a drone strike last week, Pakistani officials have claimed.

Ilyas Kashmiri had convened a meeting of militant leaders to discuss hitting foreign embassies and also trying to poison Nato food supplies en route to Afghanistan to avenge the death of Osama bin Laden.

The plans were disclosed as distrust between Washington and Islamabad still surrounded Kashmiri's reported death on June 3.

US officials said their working assumption was that he remained alive despite assurances from Pakistan.

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My Comment: Al Qaeda Leader Ilyas Kashmiri was probably the most dangerous terror commander out there, and his demise (if true) would be a good thing. Unfortunately, it is the Pakistanis who are the ones who are insisting that he has been killed .... a source that I would not trust in view of their rotten history in apprehending and stopping these terrorists.

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