Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Disarray Of The South Sudan Army

South Sudan's Army Contributes To Violence, Confusion On The Ground -- Christian Science Monitor

The Sudan People's Liberation Army, a guerilla movement turned future national army, is struggling to make the transition and bring troops under control of the central command.

The South Sudanese army has been at the verge of war with the north's Sudan's Sudanese Armed Forces since the north invaded a contested border zone two weeks ago. Though independence looks set to become official in July, the picture on the ground here in the south is increasingly messy.

The Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) is a former guerilla movement that fought a liberation struggle and civil war against the northern Sudanese government for more than two decades before signing an internationally-brokered peace deal in 2005. The deal granted the South the right to decide whether to break away from the north and form a new state.

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My Comment: Independence is only a few weeks away .... and the South Sudanese army is still dysfunctional. This does not bode well for the new South Sudanese government when they achieve independence in the next few weeks.

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