Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Growing China - Pakistan Alliance

Pakistan Courts China As Relations With U.S. Grow Strained -- Washington Post

ABBOTTABAD, Pakistan — In this city where U.S. Navy SEALs touched down long enough last month to kill Osama bin Laden and to ignite a national furor, residents are courting another foreign invasion.

They want China, the emerging superpower just 400 miles to the north along the Karakoram Highway, to invest in this economically depressed region and bring roads, energy, trade and jobs.

“China is our path to prosperity,” said Haidar Zaman, the city’s former mayor.

Read more ....

My Comment: The Chinese are not like the Americans .... a fact that the Pakistanis are going to find out very quickly. As to why China is pursuing this relationship .... one word explains it all .... India.

1 comment:

oldfatslow said...

China wants to cut India off from the rest of Asia.
