Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Iran's Nuclear Program Continues

U.S. Urged To Press Case Against Iranian Nukes -- Global Security Newswire

The United States must focus on convincing Iran not to establish a nuclear deterrent, as the Middle Eastern nation is now for the most part equipped to do so, according to a RAND assessment made public on Tuesday (see GSN, June 6).

In addition, Washington must develop a plan to contain Iran's influence if the country does acquire nuclear weapons, the report says.

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More News On Iran's Nuclear Program

Iran’s Recent Nuclear Work Raises New Concerns at UN Watchdog -- Bloomberg
New Data Hints at Iranian Nuke Efforts: Amano -- Global Security Newswire
Iran Is Two Months Away From Building A Nuclear Bomb -- Business Insider
Researcher: Iran can produce nuke within 2 months -- Ynet News
Iran just eight weeks away from producing nuclear weapon: Expert -- Daily India/ANI
Iran Denounces IAEA Comments on Nuclear Program -- Voice of America
Iran may be two months from bomb, two new studies say -- Peter Goodspeed, National Post
UN watchdog believes Iran is working on nuclear warhead -- Jonathan Manthorpe, Vancouver Sun

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